Fitzgibbon's birthday -

On this day, somewhere in the past, Jeff was born. Just think, eh!

Image: Photo of a young Jeff Fitzgibbon, resting.

Meanwhile, the group of special adults needing care, took to the road and managed a leisurely bike ride to Mona and back.

The process is via the chat, with about 6 of us on "WhatsApp".  The stories each had for other duties, preferences, obligations or being out of geographical range were all within the feasible range. 

Meanwhile, PK suggested "Yes, whoever is in, let's leave for Mona from the bike track at the Cenotaph at 9am. Merv put his hand up.   At 8.15am Nathan came across the fence at Nixon St, and put his hand up, and so we had a crew.

A 'stiffish' wind, clear sunny skies, cool, but warming up, and Nathan and I skirted Battery Point and hunted up the road path to the bike track, there to find Merv fiddling with his seat. On his bike.

No tools, he had to put up with some degree of rotation.  "I put my finger in a wood pecker's hole, and the wood pecker said, God Bless My Soul - Rotate it!"

Thence against that stiffish wind, and fueled by enthusiastic discussion, we headed north.

Now, auspicious (or autistic?) as the election was last night, we expected some disaffected punters north of the Flannel Curtain - but there were few about. 

Arriving at Mona, Walsh was setting up for a gig on the lawn with money he stole from the poor people via the TAB (money is neither created nor destroyed). We had a delightful cup of cappuccino, and rested back for a while.

Then the tour back with the wind behind us, candidly, little if any peddling. 

The facts and figures don't bear reading. Suffice that the average speed was about 17km/hr - a good run is 20kn/hr for me.

Well done Nathan, Merv, Phil: back on the horse!

Meanwhile, the Greens lick her wounds, and the Labor claim 'unfair to use money to win an election, and the Hodgman  Government is returned with a slim majority. That means if you have any reform agenda, there is no pressure.

Next week: I'm heading to the West Coast via water on Inca, so will be incommunicado for 3 weeks.  Hopefully to return. If not, look after my children.



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