Raining today. Stay at home and play

Stories from the sunroom in my dressing gown: Sunday, 25th March 2018. 11am Two things prompted him to tell a story. He had been reading Mario Vargas Lllosa in the bathtub whilst it pizzled with rain outside on the plastic roof on the pergola. VL's first book was "In the Time of the Hero". The first chapter dealt with the mischief that young men get up to at Army training, at the college in Lima. Included was theft of shoelaces, pretending to have bad dreams due to being late for 'watch', and then something to do with a chicken and other aspects of that which you must read yourself. The second, arising from the style of VL, was that certain little peccadillo of life can be the substance of a story, and might create a flicker of recognition of commonly held perceptions. And that is my story for today. See the photo attached. It is a tea pot stand. When one makes tea, in a pot, it shouldn't go on the bench, otherwise it might stain,...