Petra across the bridge to Shag Bay

Petra to Shag Bay: the true story! With the Marples all married off to the Windsor, and Red Hair again in fashion, it was an ideal day this Sunday (20 May 2018) to travel to the sunny side and explore the northern side of the bridge. At stages the travel was slow going, but the end product was quite a long ride, with sufficient stops and entertainments to make it feel relatively relaxed. The Glenorchy - Casino (why don't they get their own?) walk/run day was on, so there was doubt about whether we would be blocked trying to cross the bridge. With an agreed start at Montague Bay of 10am, Porter and Fitz took the car option, and parked near Rose Bay. Kimber being uncertain about damage to the limo by poking his bike in the boot, rode over from Nixon St. By 0915 hrs the Royal wedding had been swept aside like last night's rubbish in the street, and people were back egocentrically exploring their own world. No wind, 11 degrees, and a great wash of humanity tr...