Ode to Autumn - first January Ride

Statistics: 34 km average speed 18.4 km/hr top speed 46.8 km/hr (not all of us did that) coffees: 1 each at $4.50 Calories allegedly consumed: 700 THE RIDE The enthusiasm was there. On Saturday the 6th January 2018 up came the texts and the conglomerate of bike riders poked their heads above the barricades, Les Miserable style, and momentum continued right to the 9am start time, from RYCT the following day. Larkey was birthdaying and happy about it getting a new dog (dogs are possessions, not like people: since slavery was abolished, you can't own a 'person'). So having a new dog is the closest a person can get to owning a living thing with some empathy, pathos and humility, also potentially aggression. Reggie: in training Remembering the "see who loves you most, your wife or your dog: put them both in the boot of the car for 4 hours, and see which one is happy to see you when you let them out". But anyone who thinks that is pejorative, it works...