
Showing posts from July, 2017

Cool Cloudy but Good

What style of writing is appropriate for this?  Third person omniscient? Or the 'opinion editorial', the questioning and clarifying, or the dictatorial? Ralph Vaughan Williams as a young man. A bit grumpy that day. His mother had tried to comb out the cow lick in his hair My thoughts (there, I've settled it by making personal, 1st person).... Or He woke up in the morning, all around the city men were stirring. Stirring to join the compelling earthly desire to .....[whatever it might be] Or Mix it up and confuse the reader? The 3rd person gives an impression of authority. The 1st person requires consideration of the affection for and bias of the writer. See what I've done there? Gave authority to my own statement by delivering it in the 3rd person. Compare: " I believe that 3rd person delivery is more powerful" . That, of course, invites those who agree to do so more violently (in the positive sense) and those who disagree to attack on the groun...

Wither the Weather: Larks and the Bluebells in Springtime

Your correspondent, so far the only of the bicyclists to remain in Tasmania all of the winter, can confidently say that last Sunday it was "as cold as buggery". Pell will know what that means. When the cold winds of discontent and accusation descend on the lonely man, the only way to warm up the cockles is a bike ride to Mona. And [I know, never start a sentence with a preposition] that is exactly what Larky, Porter and your correspondent did on the 1st July 2017. Larkey's strategy of holding off taking collection, and paying, for his new bike paid dividends. The masters of his fate offered a $150 off deal, just 'if you will just pick the bloody thing up and take it away'. So it was a colourful scene along the bike track. Porter in Red, Larkey in Blue, Kimber in White - something of a flag waving exercise, in readiness for the celebrations of the French Republic (the tricolour). So, as we entered MONA for the cuppa, the thermometer was just rising above...